Bent Formby, PhD.

Bent Formby was named as a co-author of Sex, Lies, and Menopause, by TS Wiley.  He has never given endorsement of the Wiley Protocol.  Below are his credentials. 
Bent Formby, PhD, was born and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark and where he was awarded two doctorates in molecular biology and one in medical biochemistry. He served on the faculty of the University of Copenhagen Medical School as professor in the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Genetics until 1979 when he moved on a sabbatical to University of California in San Francisco, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics where he served as visiting professor.
In 1984 Dr. Formby was offered the position as associate research director at the Sansum Medical Research Institute here in Santa Barbara. His research was linked to immunology of juvenile diabetes using his background in molecular biology. At that time he did experimental transplantation of insulin producing cells into diabetic mice. The research led to the first fetal islet transplant done in US into diabetic recipients.
 Subsequently, a strong interest in molecular oncology led to his study of breast cancer cells in culture. Dr. Formby’s most exciting observation in 1997 was that progesterone could block growth of breast cancer cells and introduce into these cells a genetic program leading to their programmed death (apoptosis). Several scientific publications at that time involve studies of this genetic program. He also became interested in the effect of estrogen and progesterone on normal breast ductal epithelial cells. He realized “that human reproductive aging is linked to the interplay between falling sex steroids and their target tissue responses. Blood levels of both estrogen and progesterone decreases during the menopause transition. Climacteric symptoms occur because of the levels of estrogen are very low.”
Dr. Formby then became interested in studying further this transitional phase of a woman’s reproductive life and during the last year has been involved as consultant in clinical studies using very low doses of transdermal administered bioidentical estrogen (0.05 to 0.2 mg) to treat climacteric symptoms.
Dr. Formby’s research has lead him to advocate a protocol where very low doses (5-10 mg) of progesterone are used only in the second half of a treatment period of 28 days. He has published more than 100 scientific publications and is a member of several societies including the European Menopause Society, the New York Academy of Sciences and the Danish Academy of Sciences.